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Teachers at Hughesdale Primary School design explicit, personalised and engaging literacy experiences for all learners. Teaching teams work closely together in monitoring student progress and differentiating the curriculum, so that students are both challenged and supported in their learning, across all aspects of the English Curriculum. 


The English Programme is characterised by:

  • Sustained, purposeful and engaging instruction for at least two sessions per day – ensuring students learn to listen, view, read, write and speak for varied purposes.

  • The teaching of a variety of comprehension strategies which support students to understand increasingly sophisticated multi-modal texts.

  • Immersion in diverse types of quality literature.

  • Explicit instruction in relation to writing, using the 6 + 1 Traits model and the Writer’s Workshop framework.

  • Explicit teaching and an inquiry based approach to explore spelling, using a repertoire of strategies.

  • A collaborative approach to learning and assessment, where student contributions are valued and learners are encouraged to reflect on their progress and set learning goals with their teacher.

  • Ongoing monitoring and assessment against the Victorian Curriculum, which informs future teaching and allows teachers to target individual students’ point of need.

  • Learning tasks that are purposeful and engaging.


More information on the Victorian Curriculum is available via the following link:

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