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Level 1


Level 1

Alice Williamson

Adam Greene & Elisha Park

Laura Nolan

Sarah Pincus

In Level 1 we help to build on and extend what students learned in Foundation. We provide our students the opportunity to learn and challenge themselves in all areas of the curriculum.


Throughout the year we immerse students in a wide range of rich literature with daily shared reading sessions. We place a strong emphasis on decoding skills and reading fluency, explicitly teaching a variety of effective strategies for decoding unknown words. During shared and guided reading sessions, we build each student’s comprehension skills focusing on specific strategies to strengthen their understanding such as making predictions using textual evidence and making connections. Our daily Writer’s Workshops in Term 1 support students to create their Writer’s Notebook which is used to generate authentic writing ideas. Explicit writing skills are taught using the Six Traits model with an emphasis placed on sentence structure, writing conventions and word choice.



In Numeracy, students continue to consolidate their understanding of Mathematics in daily lessons. Hands on materials and shared experiences are used alongside the gradual release model of instruction to help each student develop a full understanding of each concept. At the beginning of the year 1 we focus on place value, developing the skills and understandings students will apply throughout the year. Over the course of the year students undertake many units of work covering the domains of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.


Cross Curricular

In Cross Curricular we learn about how we are connected to our community, how light and sound are produced and sensed, how changes in weather and seasons are reflected in the sky and environment and what features make animals suited to their habitats.


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Using the program Rights, Responsibilities and Respectful Relationships, we are focusing on emotional literacy through weekly explicit teaching sessions. We have introduced the students to the growth mindset and discussed the importance of making mistakes for learning. We also incorporate teaching around our five school values.



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